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The Yarlung Tsangpo River Canyon


Chengduhotel.gif (1132 bytes)car.gif (1146 bytes)--Luding(jagsamka) (camping by the side of Dadu River)hotel.gif (1132 bytes)car.gif (1146 bytes)Kangdingcamp.gif (1186 bytes)hotel.gif (1132 bytes)car.gif (1146 bytes)Yajiang(Nyagquka) (camping by the side of Yarlung River)---camp.gif (1186 bytes)car.gif (1146 bytes)walking.gif (996 bytes)Batang (by the side of Jingsha River)camp.gif (1186 bytes)car.gif (1146 bytes)rubber_boat.gif (1252 bytes)Markanm (cross Lan Chang River)camp.gif (1186 bytes)camp.gif (1186 bytes)car.gif (1146 bytes)Baxoi(Baksho) (by the Lu River) camp.gif (1186 bytes)car.gif (1146 bytes)walking.gif (996 bytes)Pome camp.gif (1186 bytes)car.gif (1146 bytes)walking.gif (996 bytes) hotel.gif (1132 bytes)Gyatsacamp.gif (1186 bytes)car.gif (1146 bytes)walking.gif (996 bytes)hotel.gif (1132 bytes)Nedongcamp.gif (1186 bytes)car.gif (1146 bytes)walking.gif (996 bytes) hotel.gif (1132 bytes)Lhasa hotel.gif (1132 bytes)hotel.gif (1132 bytes)

Total: 25days 

It was discovered and affirmed by American and Chinese scientists of geography in the 90s of this century with a depth of nearly 6,000 metres. It was widely paced  much attention to all over the world, and it is also one of a few untouched area on the earth.

he arrangements: (Two ways can be chosen)

The first way:
  Drive from the Sichuan - Tibet Road into Tibet (driving a half of days and sending on foot the other half. Including the 5 big groups of canyons above). It will spend 25 days or so as the following:
Drive from Chengdu - Luding (cross Dadu River) - Kangdin - Yarjiang (cross Yarlung River) - Batang (cross Jinshar River) - Mangkam(cross Lanchang River) - Baxoi(cross Lu River) - Pome (through Parlung Tsangpo Canyon) - the top of the Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon (set on foot for 4 days) - Gyatsa-Nedong- Lhasa, then fly to Chengdu.

The second way:
  Fly Lhasa from Chengdu directly, then begins the adventure of the Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon on foot.

The tour date:
  Suggest in May and Jane or in October and November of a year.

An average price:
  Single person for one day will cost  $200.00!